package generalinfo
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
Allergy(allergyClass: AllergyClass.AllergyClass, description: AllergyDescription) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models an allergy.
Class that models an allergy.
- allergyClass
the kind of allergy.
- description
a brief allergy description.
case class
AllergyDescription(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
A brief allergy description.
A brief allergy description.
- value
the allergy description.
case class
BloodGroup(bloodType: BloodType.BloodType, rh: Rh.Rh) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the blood group.
Class that models the blood group.
- bloodType
the type of the blood.
- rh
the RH of the blood.
case class
Exam(examDate: ExamDate, examReport: ExamReport, examInfo: ExamInfo) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models a medical exam.
Class that models a medical exam.
- examDate
the date of the exam.
- examReport
the report of the exam.
- examInfo
the description of the exam.
case class
ExamDate(value: LocalDate = extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the date of an exam.
Class that models the date of an exam.
- value
the exam data.
case class
ExamInfo(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the information of an exam.
Class that models the information of an exam.
- value
a brief description about the exam.
case class
ExamReport(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the report of an exam.
Class that models the report of an exam.
- value
a brief report about the exam.
case class
GeneralInfo(bloodGroup: BloodGroup, weight: Weight, height: Height, allergies: Option[Allergies.Allergies], previousPathologies: Option[PreviousPathologies.PreviousPathologies], prescriptionHistory: Option[PrescriptionHistory.PrescriptionHistory], examHistory: Option[ExamHistory.ExamHistory]) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the general info of a patient.
Class that models the general info of a patient.
- bloodGroup
the blood group.
- weight
the weight.
- height
the height.
- allergies
the allergies.
- previousPathologies
the previous pathologies.
- prescriptionHistory
the prescriptions history.
- examHistory
the exams history.
case class
Height(value: Int) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the height of a patient.
Class that models the height of a patient.
- value
the height in centimeters.
case class
Prescription(prescriptionDate: PrescriptionDate, prescriptionInfo: PrescriptionInfo) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models a prescription.
Class that models a prescription.
- prescriptionDate
the date of the prescription.
- prescriptionInfo
the information of the prescription.
case class
PrescriptionDate(value: LocalDate = extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the date of a prescription.
Class that models the date of a prescription.
- value
the date.
case class
PrescriptionInfo(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the information about the prescription.
Class that models the information about the prescription.
- value
the information.
case class
Weight(value: Double) extends Product with Serializable
Class that models the weight of a patient.
Class that models the weight of a patient.
- value
the weight in kilograms.
Value Members
Companion object for a set of allergies.
AllergyClass extends Enumeration
Different kinds of allergies.
BloodType extends Enumeration
Different blood types.
The set of exams done by a patient.
The set of prescriptions of the patient.
Rh extends Enumeration
Different RH bloods.