package medicalrecords
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
Activity(diagnostics: Diagnostics, consulting: Consulting, therapeuticDelivery: TherapeuticDelivery, rehabilitation: Rehabilitation, assistance: Assistance) extends Product with Serializable
Activity made.
Activity made.
- diagnostics
diagnostics of the activity.
- consulting
consulting of the activity.
- therapeuticDelivery
therapeutic delivery of the activity.
- rehabilitation
rehabilitation of the activity.
- assistance
assistance of the activity.
case class
AdmissionReason(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Admission reason.
Admission reason.
- value
text of admission reason.
case class
AdviceRequest(datetime: LocalDateTime =, request: Request) extends Product with Serializable
Advice request.
Advice request.
- datetime
date and time when the request was made.
- request
the request made.
case class
AnesthesiologyRecord(anesthetist: Anesthetist, operationEvaluation: OperationEvaluation) extends Product with Serializable
Anesthesiology Record.
Anesthesiology Record.
- anesthetist
, anesthetist.
- operationEvaluation
, operation evaluation.
case class
AnestheticCard(datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description) extends Product with Serializable
Anesthetic Card.
Anesthetic Card.
- datetime
, date and time.
- description
, description.
case class
AnesthetistReport(anesthetist: Anesthetist, note: Option[Note]) extends Product with Serializable
Anesthetist Report.
Anesthetist Report.
- anesthetist
, anesthetist.
- note
, note.
case class
Assistance(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
text of assistance.
case class
CareDiary(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Care Diary.
Care Diary.
- value
, value of care diary.
case class
ClinicalProblemsEncountered(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Clinical problems encountered.
Clinical problems encountered.
- value
text of clinical problems encountered.
case class
Consulting(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
text of consulting.
case class
DiagnosticServicesRequest(id: DiagnosticServicesRequestID, description: Description, doctorID: DoctorID, form: Form) extends Product with Serializable
Diagnostic services request.
Diagnostic services request.
- id
id of diagnostic services request.
- description
description of diagnostic services request.
- doctorID
doctor that require of diagnostic services.
- form
form to request.
case class
DiagnosticServicesRequestID(id: String) extends Product with Serializable
Diagnostic Services Request's ID.
Diagnostic Services Request's ID.
- id
id of diagnostic services request.
case class
Diagnostics(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
text of diagnostics.
case class
DischargeDiagnosis(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Discharge diagnosis.
Discharge diagnosis.
- value
text of discharge diagnosis.
case class
DischargeLetter(admissionReason: AdmissionReason, clinicalProblemsEncountered: ClinicalProblemsEncountered, significantFindings: SignificantFindings, pharmacologicalTherapies: PharmacologicalTherapies.PharmacologicalTherapies, dischargeDiagnosis: DischargeDiagnosis, followUpInstructions: FollowUpInstructions, sdoCompilation: SdoCompilation) extends Product with Serializable
Discharge letter.
Discharge letter.
- admissionReason
admission reason.
- clinicalProblemsEncountered
clinical problems encountered.
- significantFindings
significant findings.
- pharmacologicalTherapies
pharmacological therapies.
- dischargeDiagnosis
discharge diagnosis.
- followUpInstructions
follow-up instructions.
- sdoCompilation
SDO compilation.
case class
DrugsAdministered(doctorID: DoctorID, description: Description, datetime: LocalDateTime = extends Product with Serializable
Drugs somministration.
Drugs somministration.
- doctorID
doctorID of the doctor that made administered.
- description
description of administered.
- datetime
date and time of administered.
case class
DrugsPrescription(doctorID: DoctorID, description: Description, datetime: LocalDateTime = extends Product with Serializable
Drugs prescription.
Drugs prescription.
- doctorID
doctorID of the doctor that made prescription.
- description
description of prescription.
- datetime
date and time of prescription.
case class
FollowUpInstructions(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Follow-Up instructions.
Follow-Up instructions.
- value
text of follow-up instructions.
case class
Form(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Form to fill.
Form to fill.
- value
text of form.
case class
Graphic(vitalSigns: VitalSigns.VitalSigns) extends Product with Serializable
Graphics of vital signs.
Graphics of vital signs.
- vitalSigns
vital signs in graphics.
case class
InstrumentalistReport(instrumentalist: Instrumentalist, note: Option[Note]) extends Product with Serializable
Instrumentalist Report.
Instrumentalist Report.
- instrumentalist
, instrumentalist.
- note
, note.
case class
InterventionEvaluation(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Intervention Evaluation.
Intervention Evaluation.
- value
, value of intervention evaluation.
case class
InterventionType(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
, value of intervention.
case class
MedicalRecord(doctorID: DoctorID, patientID: PatientID, medicalRecordID: MedicalRecordsID, isClosed: Boolean, initialAnalysis: Option[InitialAnalysis] = None, clinicalDiary: Option[ClinicalDiary] = None, diagnosticServicesRequests: Option[DiagnosticServicesRequests.DiagnosticServicesRequests] = None, graphic: Option[Graphic] = None, painReliefHistory: Option[PainreliefHistory.PainreliefHistory] = None, singleSheetTherapyHistory: Option[SingleSheetTherapies.SingleSheetTherapies] = None, adviceRequest: Option[AdviceRequest] = None, reports: Option[Reports.Reports] = None, operatingReports: Option[OperatingReports] = None, nursingDocumentation: Option[NursingDocumentation] = None, anesthesiologyRecord: Option[AnesthesiologyRecord] = None, medicalSurgicalDevices: Option[MedicalSurgicalDevices.MedicalSurgicalDevices] = None, dischargeLetter: Option[DischargeLetter] = None) extends Product with Serializable
Medical Record.
Medical Record.
- doctorID
, doctor ID.
- patientID
, patient ID.
- medicalRecordID
,medical record ID.
- isClosed
,is closed.
- initialAnalysis
,initial analysis.
- clinicalDiary
,clinical diary.
- diagnosticServicesRequests
,diagnostic services requests.
- graphic
- painReliefHistory
,pain relief history.
- singleSheetTherapyHistory
,single sheet therapy history.
- adviceRequest
,advice request.
- reports
- operatingReports
,operating reports.
- nursingDocumentation
,nursing documentation.
- anesthesiologyRecord
,anesthesiology record.
- medicalSurgicalDevices
,medical surgical devices.
- dischargeLetter
,discharge letter.
case class
MedicalRecordsID(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Medical record ID
Medical record ID
- value
, value of ID.
case class
MedicalSurgicalDevice(name: String, label: String) extends Product with Serializable
Medical surgical device.
Medical surgical device.
- name
name of medical surgical device.
- label
label of medical surgical device.
case class
NeedsIdentification(datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description) extends Product with Serializable
Needs Identification.
Needs Identification.
- datetime
, date and time.
- description
, description.
case class
NursingDocumentation(registration: Registration, needsIdentification: Option[NeedsIdentification], nursingInterventionPlanning: Option[NursingInterventionPlanning], careDiary: Option[CareDiary], interventionEvaluation: Option[InterventionEvaluation]) extends Product with Serializable
Nursing Documentation.
Nursing Documentation.
- registration
, registration.
- needsIdentification
, needs identification.
- nursingInterventionPlanning
, nursing intervention planning.
- careDiary
, care diary.
- interventionEvaluation
, intervention evaluation.
case class
NursingInterventionPlanning(datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description) extends Product with Serializable
Nursing Intervention Planning.
Nursing Intervention Planning.
- datetime
, date and time.
- description
, description.
case class
OperatingReports(medical: Medical.Medical, datetime: LocalDateTime =, interventionType: InterventionType) extends Product with Serializable
Operating Reports.
Operating Reports.
- medical
, medical.
- datetime
, date and time.
- interventionType
, intervention type.
case class
OperationEvaluation(anestheticCard: AnestheticCard, postOperationEvaluation: PostOperationEvaluation) extends Product with Serializable
Operation Evaluation.
Operation Evaluation.
- anestheticCard
, anesthetic card.
- postOperationEvaluation
,postOperation evaluation.
case class
Painrelief(datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description) extends Product with Serializable
Pain reliever.
Pain reliever.
- datetime
date and time of administration.
- description
description of administration.
case class
PharmacologicalTherapy(doctorID: DoctorID, datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description, initialDate: LocalDate, finalDate: LocalDate) extends Product with Serializable
Pharmacological Therapy.
Pharmacological Therapy.
- doctorID
doctor that administrated this.
- datetime
date and time of administration.
- description
description of pharmacological therapy.
- initialDate
initial date to administration.
- finalDate
final date to administration.
case class
PostHospitalCareInformation(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Post hospital care information.
Post hospital care information.
- value
text of post hospital care information.
case class
PostOperationEvaluation(datetime: LocalDateTime =, description: Description) extends Product with Serializable
Post Operation Evaluation.
Post Operation Evaluation.
- datetime
, date and time.
- description
, description.
case class
Registration(personalData: GeneralInfo) extends Product with Serializable
- personalData
, personal data.
case class
Rehabilitation(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
text of rehabilitation.
case class
Report(activity: Activity, datetime: LocalDateTime =, treatmentType: TreatmentType) extends Product with Serializable
Report of activity that was made.
Report of activity that was made.
- activity
activity in report.
- datetime
date and time of report.
- treatmentType
type of treatment in report.
case class
Request(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
- value
description of request.
case class
SdoCompilation(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
SDO compilation.
SDO compilation.
- value
text of SDO compilation.
case class
SignificantFindings(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Significant findings.
Significant findings.
- value
text of significant findings.
case class
SurgeonReport(surgeon: Surgeon, note: Option[Note]) extends Product with Serializable
Surgeon Report.
Surgeon Report.
- surgeon
, surgeon.
- note
, note.
case class
TherapeuticDelivery(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Therapeutic Delivery.
Therapeutic Delivery.
- value
text of therapeutic delivery.
case class
TreatmentType(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
Type of treatment.
Type of treatment.
- value
text of treatment type.
case class
VitalSign(info: Info, datetime: LocalDateTime = extends Product with Serializable
Vital sign.
Vital sign.
- info
information of vital sign.
- datetime
date of registration of vital sign.
Value Members
Collection of diagnostic services request.
Collection of medical records.
Collection of medical surgical device.
- object PainreliefHistory
Collection of pharmacological therapy.
Set of reports.
Collection of single sheet therapy.
Collection of vital signs.